The TSA vs NSA- Stealing your Civil Rights from the Constitution
George Alexander get your head out of your ass, someone needs to replace your position,
You should not be in charge of the NSA anymore.
I think We the people, should spy on you, because you cannot be trusted; I highly emphasize like the heckler at your speech conference, read the Constitution, George Alexander's response was:
You need to read the Constitution, to the heckler.
We need to start using payphones to contact one another, Yet, you can't find one anywhere!
Technology has destroyed our country and lives, I say if you want privacy...
You're better off telling the person in person, just like the mob did in the old days, they never spoke over a phone.
I feel the old school rules of the Mafia needs to be applied to this country, NOW!
I know there's going to be a lot of people to disagree with me, but guess what, Freedom of Speech, oops, I forgot they're trying to dismantle that from "We the People"...
don't 4get, Maria Keepamericaheard

The TSA is suspending these criminals that work for our customs, are supposed to protect our country, that's pure f****** b*******, the TSA is protecting their own freakin employees, they should be fired.
George Alexander head of the NSA, I agree with the.heckler today at your speech conference, You do need to read the Constitution, once again the NSA is getting heat for spying on peoples text messages and emails, along with your phone calls.
George Alexander says its for our own protection of the country, read the Constitution George Alexander, thank you should be spied on and see how you like it...
Don't 4get, Maria Keepamericaheard
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