Good day to all, there are storms about, the Atmosphere and Mother Nature has stowed upon the World Globally,
The air that we breathe has been contaminated by toxins, nuclear testing, fossil fuels, surrounding the Ecology...
Everyone needs to recycle, and stop using plastics, it takes 500 years to 1,000? Hasn't quite been answered...
Even when plastics are broken down,... that's just as harmful then if they were at whole, bottom-line go green friendly...
Biodegradable plastics are a good source of environmentally friendly, they break down into water, leaving no chemical carbon dioxide behind...
I'm personally against bottled water, go with Pure filtrations, or any plastic disposal product, use common sense when trying and creating new ways to be environmentally green friendly...
Keep sucking oil out of the Earth, that oil was put there for a reason, to congeal, and keep the earth as a whole...

The Government has misrepresented Global warming,
Every time oil is being sucked out of the earth, a building is put up, the structure of the foundation of Mother Nature has been distributed, destroyed...
Sink holes form, flooding, search engines for traveling, ports, bridges, are being devoured...taking lives, land into water collapsing...
This country needs to wake up and realize the reality check, that we are in store for...
Stop listening to Government miss leading "We the People",
Go green, don't 4get,
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